Results of 25 March. Is there a continuation?

Many could observe the results of March 25. Absence of leaders, aggressive opposition of the authorities, mass detentions, equipment for dispersal of demonstrations. All this did not stop people from trying to get together and hold the march. Unfortunately, due to preventive arrests and arrests on the march, the anarchists could not join the rally in an organized way – that’s why the comrades could only get in as ordinary participants. At night, about 9 people were arrested, the next day, before the action, around 25 people were detained near the Academy of Sciences, including random passers-by (reported by Human rights activists, including human rights activists from European countries, were also arrested. After a brutal arrest in the style of a mask show they were taken to the police department, from where they were later released. The purpose of such a special operation remains unclear.

In general, they were trying to prevent the people to going to the Academy of Sciences by all means and therefore cops put up a cordon there, and at the Academy of Sciences they were detaining mostly retirees and old people. But the protesters, realizing this, gathered a march on Yakub Kolas (numbering about a couple of thousand people) and moved along the Independence Avenue towards Victory Square, where the OMON blocked the road. People could bypass the riot police, crossing to the other side of the road, but as a result, the OMON blocked all traffic.

People did not give up, and despite several attempts to disperse the crowd and mass detentions (about 300-500 people were detained), people still gathered from time to time to pass through Independence Avenue. Riot police reacted to this harshly, in their favorite traditions, attacking one person by a crowd and beating people up. The police showed themselves this time in all their glory: they were equipped for full-fledged military operations and stuffed the old women and the disabled into the police vehicles on orders from above. Judging by the moods in the society, no one now doubts that members of the law enforcement agencies are real enemies of the people, whose task is to beat us and disperse us.

As a result, the action was scattered, many journalists covering the events were brutally detained during it. As expected,they were trying to jam the Internet, but many protesters say that Telegram and FireChat worked. Mobile communications were not jammed, which allowed the media to receive up-to-date information from the events.

Some time after it all ended an appeal appeared in social networks to come out the next day to the square in support of the arrested people. Eventually, information began circulating about 12:00 on October Square on March 26. We also urge people to take to the streets of Minsk and other cities and oppose the police state.

You can now state some things.

– The reliance of part of the opposition on Statkevich’s plan did not justify itself and it is not surprising at all. Even if the plan is perfect, who then can prevent the secret services from simply stealing Statkevich, as they did?

– An attempt to create a sense of day X in society does not justify itself, especially when it comes to one city. In general, it was for this purpose that our team helped to spread the call to take to the streets on the 18th. We believe that the power of the non-parasite protest is in a poor, impoverished hinterland, where people are deprived of work and of the opportunity to make ends meet. Actions in cities on the 26th are also important, even more than the actions in Minsk on the 25th. It is in the self-organization of people in small towns that we are now seeing strength. It is also obvious to us that the attempt to bet on one city against such an organized machine as the state does not make sense. The centralized state will win in one battle, but if you act in many towns at once and call people further than just pickets, this will make sense.

– The only real (and relatively bloodless) way to stop the ongoing dictatorship is a strike. One that will unite almost the whole country. It is clear that the strike and strike committees can not arise from just talking about them. And it is street actions that should become the beginning and catalyst of the unification of workers. We encourage all readers of our website to spread the idea of ​​a strike as widely as possible! Strike and actions of civil disobedience – that is what the dictatorship is especially afraid of.

Now it is extremely important not to slow down the pace and not to stop protests! The police has been preparing for a long time to frighten us, but what is there for us to be afraid of? What can be worse? If we stop now, then the next step will be a dictatorship, which we are now witnessing in Turkey and North Korea. Arrests of your relatives and friends.

To prevent this, go out on the 26th, at 12:00 in all cities! Encourage all workers to strike and organize strike committees.

1 Comment

  1. Все так. Еще в 2006 стоял с вами с растяжкой “Свобода, Забастовка”. О создании стачечного движения нужно говорить так, как о площади, ибо это – единственный путь. При такой армии мусоров, откормленых на соцпакете + анаболики – шансов потолкаться нет. Найди лука хоть схрон с 300 пулеметами я скажу – и что? У него все равно в разы больше. На донбасе воюет регулярная российская армия с регулярной Украинской, все держится на простых законах физики – действие – противодействие. Слабая сторона мусоров – они – просто мусор. Их учат – только бить. Тот, кто постоянно учится бить – сильнее в этом. Но они не могут решать экономические или организационные вопросы. А люди могут. Да, время тяжелое, но если ты готов отдать треть ЗП тому, кто бастутет – это сильный ход. Этому нужна поддержка – предупреждение для штрейбрейхеров. И действия. Мусоров можно прятать за масками и тайно развозить по норам (любимым семьям), но каждого работягу не завезешь. Важно получить в обществе поддержку этому плану, продвинуть его через лидеров. Сделать рабский труд позорным. Выход на забастовку – достойным делом. Если Статкевич не приемлет ничего, кроме площади – он 100% завербован и нужно решать вопросы другими путями. Могу организовать разговор с некоторыми лидерами. Пишите если интересно.

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